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Food And Travel Nation with Elizabeth Dougherty ®

Dec 28, 2020

This episode will go down as one of the most memorable.  In hour one, you'll meet a former Vermont dairy farmer who's speaking out about all that's wrong with that industry right now.  In hour two, you'll hear two new features on the show this week:  "Airline Debacles" and "Destination Unknown."  Frozen Mac and Cheese...

Dec 12, 2020

After the news update, we tell you about how an old, unaddressed medical issue turned into a major heart attack for Michael this week.  We are making the personal decision to use healthy, well-targeted food to heal the body, rather than gobbling down pills.  We share our last update on the chickens, you'll hear how...

Dec 5, 2020

As we leave 2020 and head into 2021, what lies ahead?  Since the beginning of the year, we've watched as freedoms guaranteed by The Constitution are taken.  We saw a small glimpse of what happens when supply chains are interrupted.  Are you ready for additional lockdowns and food shortages?  Is it all really necessary? ...

Nov 29, 2020

A new study that came out this month paints a very different picture about the pandemic.  Link in on right now!  You'll also hear the latest food and travel news, our Destination Unknown takes us to Arizona where a mountain may hold a big secret.  We taste test fast food coffee, and you'll hear...

Nov 21, 2020

As it pertains to the hospitality industry, Elizabeth shows how the Covid-19 tests are faulty and it's costing people their jobs and businesses.  You'll hear about Pennsylvania's wacky Thanksgiving restrictions, we taste test Pumpkin Pie, our Destination Unknown takes us to Ft. Myers, and you'll hear how to spot an...