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Food And Travel Nation with Elizabeth Dougherty ®

Sep 25, 2023

Food and Travel Nation
with Elizabeth Dougherty
The TRUTH about Food and Travel
Broadcast Date:  9/23/2023

This week on Servers Revenge... several more complaints about tipping, employee tracking, and bad customers, then you'll hear from a listener who poses a question back to the servers...  "why do you work in a job...

Sep 25, 2023

Food and Travel Nation
with Elizabeth Dougherty
The TRUTH about Food and Travel
Broadcast Date:  9/23/2023

In celebration of National White Chocolate Day on September 23, 2023, we put several brands of white chocolatey goodness into the spotlight.  The competition was strong, and we came away with a split decision.  One...

Sep 25, 2023

Food and Travel Nation
with Elizabeth Dougherty
The TRUTH about Food and Travel
Broadcast Date:  9/23/2023

On RV Tips & Tales, you'll hear about all the new, high-tech wizardry being packed into our coaches, but nothing is more important when you're on the road than a good first aid kit.  After all, you'll be away from...

Sep 25, 2023

Food and Travel Nation
with Elizabeth Dougherty
The TRUTH about Food and Travel
Broadcast Date:  9/23/2023

Putting aside the topics of food and travel, Elizabeth looks at the mess in Washington.  Both sides are pointing at each other and nothing seems to get done.  Is it time for something different? 

 On November 19,...

Sep 25, 2023

Food and Travel Nation
with Elizabeth Dougherty
The TRUTH about Food and Travel
Broadcast Date:  9/23/2023

Elizabeth takes us to a remote corner of Arkansas where you'll find the most unusual resort.  The Beckham Creek Cave Lodge bills itself as "a lodge like no other. A living cavern transformed into a high-end...